Friday, April 26, 2013

Holly's Video

Hi Guys

This is the link to Holly's video ( the new edition ). You may see the video directly in the web page or hit the download button and save it for yourself.

Link :

If you have any problem with the video, please let me know.

Best Regards


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dear Students...

At the end of the semester, I always have conflicting feelings. On the one hand, I'm happy that I'm going to get some time off. On the other hand, I'm sad that we have to disband after building our very own little international community and finally getting truly at ease with each other. So, bittersweet, as I said on the video...

You all should feel very proud of yourselves. You are reading, writing, speaking, living, breathing, maybe even dreaming by now in English. This is quite an accomplishment and your levels of fluency are truly impressive. Each and every one of you has made progress. It's not easy to do what you're doing, but you're doing it. Some days better, some days worse, but you're doing it.

For those of you staying in Houston, please come and visit me at the LCC or email me ( or call (713-721-3460) to say hi. If you throw a party, invite me and I will try my best to come. Also, if you need anything while you are in Houston, and I can be of help, feel free to contact me. Former students often consult with me on their academic decisions as well as their parking tickets and baby questions! Should you have a legal issue, my husband is a good person to consult. If in the future you lose my contact information, you can always call the LCC office and they'll know how to reach me. At the very least, you can remember my last name. That's Cin. C-I-N. Like cinammon. Or cinema. Of course I hope you will remember more than my last name!

For those of you entering the university, I wish you tremendous success. It won't be easy but with hard work and determination you will achieve your goals. To be a successful student requires a good brain (which you all have) and a lot of hard work.

For those of you returning home (Francisco, others?), I wish you a safe and pleasant journey and I hope you continue to learn and to practice, and I hope to see you in your country one of these days soon.

Finally, I want to congratulate Karina and Maryam for being chosen as outstanding students. There were many very bright and hard working students in both classes so it was not easy to isolate the "most outstanding."

Thanks, 5A and 5B, for a really great semester. I have enjoyed not only teaching with you, but getting to know you and hanging out with you too. I will miss both classes a lot. I had fun with you guys practically every day.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Picnic Stuff

Hi guys,

I need to know who is going to the picnic to Huntsville and what are you going to bring that day. Please let me know in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Please let me know ASAP or post something on the blog


Take home reading test

I have tests from the following people.

Maeva, Suliman, Talal, Ahmed, Abdul, Dennis, Karina, Igor, Hang, Jennifer, Francisco, Song, and Serena

(missing tests from Jinda, Essa, Rita, and Xiao)

Maryam, Fatimah, Monny, Phuong, Ibrahim, America, and Zhao

(missing tests from Suzan, Moath, Jean, Sam, Merry, Hamzah, Tim, Sara, and Kexin)

Please let me know if the above is incorrect.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Conference Schedule for 5B

Thursday in Greg's room

10:30:  Jean
10:40:  Phuong
10:50:  Monny
11:00:  Suzan
11:10:  America
11:20:  Fatima
11:30:  Merry
11:40:  Maryam
11:50:  Kexin
12:00:  Ibrahim
12:10:  Sam
12:20:  Zhao
12:30:  Tim

Sara, Moath, and Hamzah:  Will you be here for conferences?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Huntsville Field Trip - List - Contact Info

Hi guys

      This is the info about the field trip to Huntsville, is on April 24. The meeting to load the busses is at the UC at 8:30AM, we will leave at aprox 9AM. We will leave the park to return at campus at a pro 2:30PM and be back by 5PM.

      There is no cost for this trip. If you plan on driving separately , there will be a parking fee of $2 per person.

      Bring recreational equipment  such as footballs, soccer balls, etc.

      Canoes will be available to rent

      Swimming and hiking is also available


This is the list of things that we have to carry to the picnic. Holly & Team Saudi are in charge of the hamburgers and hotdogs. Please let me know want are you going to buy for the picnic and don't throw away the receipt, at the end we are going to need them to see how much money we need to pay to those who bought the food or things.

If you have any question please don't hesitate on contact me or Holly.

This is my number 832-205-07-63, to my email , Facebook or Twitter (@dnis88)